My days

Friday, October 20, 2006

Somehow I woke up this morning at 11:30 , way early for a typical day in my life. The reason why ... Maybe I'll tell you later. As usual my best friend calls early in the morning relentlessly . She wont hang up or stop trying until I wake up and answer her. Honestly I look forward to that call every morning. I don't why but she is the only person in my life that doesn't get on my nerves. I also have another issue and that is that I cant remember anything, Im only 26. So let me tell you about myself. I am a born and raised Iranian or Persian , doesn't make a difference to me. I am deadly terrified of ghosts and old homes. Im not a control freak like most Persian girls you might meet, IM very down to earth and meek about items of my life. I am not jealous like most Persian women I actually appreciate female beauty. I don't envy anyone's life but my own, Sorry Persians you know its the truth. I cant help it if your self conscious and deprived of attention. I consider myself someone who is very close to God, and I respect and celebrate all religions well actually just the 3 major ones, I love Christmas, chanukah and eid-e-fetr. But what I don't understand is that why being GAY is so in. Its like every magazine,paper or post you read had some content relating to someone coming out the closet. The TV forget about you know as well as I do its all over. But why men ,why do you want to be gay. Are we that bad and ugly, or do we wine and complain uncontrollably. Hurry women get your metrosexuals while you can. Do you see what I do ? No, maybe some of you do. I jump from one subject to another, what is wrong with me.I do that at home to when I clean everything is half finished. It was like that for me in highschool too. I could never concentrate on 1 item, like my mind was somewhere other than in my head. Thank GOD I graduated when I was 16. I hated so much and I never went to College. Im glad I didn't most people that I meet who went to college regret it and have low end jobs or jobs that are irrelevant to their intended majors. I on the other hand started a career in real estate when I was 19. I never complained it was the best move of my life ,it was hard at first without a doubt. It takes time to build up trust and we all know about how deceitful agents can be. Honesty is the only thing that has made me successful. Money is nothing everything. I just wanted and needed enough to live on and buy a few Gucci and Fendi bags. But I saved a lot before I bought one of those. I was always terrified of being broke or homeless. so I would go and shop and the 99cent store. Im not ashamed like I said Im not your typical Persian. I never ever had help from my parents. I only asked the Man with the master plan. (GOD) and he was always there for me . IM glad my parents never helped me because they are individuals who will rub it in for the rest of my kids lives not only mines. I remember hiding my money in my book. I was so scared of losing it or having it stolen I wouldn't even put it in the bank. I was a dumb doers ( I know) those were bitter sweet days. I just cant stand it when I see girls who complain about money or try to lean on a man for it. Ok you know who you are. They always say IM gona marry someone who is rich. Yeah good for you and he is gonna marry your lazy ass? Never ever depend on anyone or be a moocher,what goes around comes around! So be careful! I think it is about 12 am now and I feel sleepy. i have my day planned for tomorrow but as usual I will never follow through with it. I Just cant take my eye off this channel HGTV. I love it. I must admit Im obessed. SEE I did it again. Did these past sentences have anything to do with each other? I wish I could focus on one thing but that is also the reason I cant remember anything so as soon as it comes to me I have to write it down and guess what , Thats right ! I forget where I have written it down. It is so painful. I wish I could do something to prevent it. there are days when I literally remind myself 100 times what needs to be done. That is not a joke . I really don't know what to do about it , it drives me insane. Nobody in my life knows about it to this extent. They just think oh she forgot( again) So now Im going to bed . Good nite everyone.


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